Z ro new album release date
Z ro new album release date

z ro new album release date

In my lifetime alone, the population of the planet has slightly more than tripled. Apart from the odd rogue asteroid or black hole, of course. From increases in global population, all other danger factors threatening our species, including climate change, continue to accrue. Now, 47 years later, you have the chance to add your voice to the single most pressing problem facing future generations. The lyrical subject matter was the topic of runaway population growth. In 1971, I wrote and recorded the song “Locomotive Breath” for the Aqualung album. At some time in the future, if and when I can resume additional office work, I will let you know. Any such unsolicited material sent to the previous, or any other address will, regretfully, not be returned and therefore lost to you. We ask you to cease sending photos, letters, album covers etc for the foreseeable future. UPDATE: Due to the increasing backlog of postal autograph requests from fans and the renewed level of my touring and promotional activity, I am unable to undertake to do further signings. Great to see you, as always, but it is not yet the time for up-close scribbles, hugs and selfies.

z ro new album release date

This to to reduce the risk of any of us becoming infected and then having to cancel upcoming shows as a result. Due to the ongoing and still worsening Covid pandemic realities, I really have to stay in my social “bubble” with the band and crew and reduce contact with anyone else while we are on tour, as well as for a week or two either side of tours and concerts. I must ask you to avoid in-person autograph and selfie requests at all concerts for the foreseeable future.

Z ro new album release date