Over the years, ODBC drivers have shipped in three phases: Alternatively, you can use VBA to set these properties using a "DSN-less" connection string. Typically, you use file data sources (also called DSN files) to add a connection string, in which case, the FILEDSN keyword is used on the connection string, or stored in the registry, in which case, the DSN keyword is used. Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) is a protocol that you use to connect an Access database to an external data source such as Microsoft SQL Server. You should use later individual, downloadable versions of the ODBC drivers. Many legacy applications used SNAC and it is still supported for backward compatibility, but we don't recommend using it for new application development.
For example: ODBC DRIVER=SQL Server SERVER="MyServer" DATABASE="MyHRdb" TRUSTED_CONNECTION=Yes Provider=SQLOLEDB Data Source=MyServer Initial Catalog=MyHRdb Integrated Security=SSPI Īt first, there was SQL Server Native Client (SNAC) a stand-alone library that contained ODBC and OLEDB technologies and is still available for SQL Server versions 2005 through 2012. A connection string (whether ODBC or OLE DB) passes information directly to the database, such as server location, database name, type of security, and other useful options. You can define a formatted connection string either in the Access user interface or in VBA code.
OLE DB keyword summary Using ODBC driver or OLE DB providerĬonnection strings have been around a long time. Programmatically interface to SQL Server from Access
The following sections spell out the basics of getting to a database with connection strings and using a database programming interface in your Access VBA code. Keep these happy thoughts in the back of your mind as we take a few tastes of the database version of alphabet soup. Recall the halcyon days of youth when alphabet soup was your fun meal. Access for Microsoft 365 Access 2021 Access 2019 Access 2016 Access 2013 Access 2010 More.